Tracie Broyles » Ms. Broyles, Media Specialist

Ms. Broyles, Media Specialist



I am proud to serve as the Media Specialist at Congaree!  I have over 23 years of experience in school libraries and have worked as a school librarian in Williston, Columbia, and Charlotte, NC.  I love introducing kids to an awesome book or series.  Teaching students how to research effectively and to practice safe and responsible digital citizenship is also my passion. The University of South Carolina is my alma mater and I am an enthusiastic Gamecock fan!  The best way to reach me is email so please feel free to contact me at [email protected].  


Degrees:  Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, USC-Columbia, 1992

                       Master of Library and Information Science, USC-Columbia, 1996

Certification:  Early Childhood, Elementary, Media Specialist